

Created by Rob McCallum - "Missing Mom" Documentary!

"Missing Mom" is a documentary that shows the search for director Rob McCallum's mother who's been missing for almost 25 years.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Missing Mom: Getting closer to completion!
over 8 years ago – Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 01:25:44 PM

It's been a while since our last update, so let me bring you up to speed.

The film is "picture-locked" and in the midst of audio post-production, meaning it's being mixed in 5.1 surround sound which already sounds really great based on the current rough mixes.

Once that's complete, and we add a few graphics that showcase maps and a family tree diagram, we'll be ready to master the film to DVD and Blu Ray.

We've applied to a handful of specific film festivals and spoken with a few distributors too. Of course, this wouldn't have been possible without your support to get the film to completion.

I'm also examining a way to screen the film theatrically, at least once, likely in my home town of London, Ontario. That said, costs are a tremendous concern and I would hate to delay the DVD/Blu Ray production in order to afford a theatrical screening. I'd rather fulfill all our backers rewards and IF possible and feasible, then consider a screening down the road.

There's another element that's weighing on me too: virtually all of my family seems to now oppose this film, except a small few, though no one has seen anything from the finished film, save the trailer we released - which of course is, admittedly, "hard hitting" and designed for impact, yet 100% truthful. I mention this because having a screening in my home town and the promotion of the screening is only going to cause that "monster" to become more and more aggressive.

While I'll never shelve this film because I really believe this story can help thousands of people around the world, I also don't have to entice and provoke a situation that *could* been seen as throwing something in one's face. That's not my goal. There's no revenge narrative here. This has and will always be a film about summoning courage to do the impossible, especially in the face of so many non-believers; "Anything is possible."

On the flip side to the "general" family feeling about this film, all my friends, colleagues, collaborators, and everyone on social media is 100% supportive of me, the team, and the reasons for me making the film. That means more than you'll ever know.

Stay tuned as we put the finishing touches on this once-in-a-lifetime story and keep you informed about how we plan to roll out the film, send you your rewards, and if we can (and when) make a theatrical screening occur.


October 2015 Update!
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 08:59:33 AM

Hello there!

It's been a few months since I've posted an update, but it's mainly because the summer has been incredibly hectic and I needed some time away from the film for the sake of perspective. That said, I worked all weekend on the new cut, incorporating everyone's notes from the last version, removed the temp music tracks in favor of our original compositions, and even shot one more interview.

What's that mean? It means we are really close to "locking the film" which is the final step before sending it to be mixed, and mastered from an audio perspective. Once the film's locked, I can't make any changes to the visuals. This is a huge accomplishment and, should the team enjoy the cut as much as I do, we'll be in great shape to keep it on track for a May release. The first release or cut of the film may change once we get a distributor on board, but it's my goal to get you a disc or download in your hands as soon as possible - because without you this project wouldn't exist.

A few backers have asked about the theatrical screening(s) for the film. My previous film, "Nintendo Quest," just toured around North America and I don't see this film gaining that same opportunity for a number of reasons, but mostly monetarily and because of the amount of time it takes. That said, I hope to have a screening in London, Ontario, Canada on, our around, Mother's Day, subject to theatre availability.

When it screens, it will likely be one of the toughest days of my life as the film has already caused rifts in my family, and it's completion can only complicate that situation. I'm proud of the film and think it represents far more than one family; it represents a situation that is very common across the world, but I also understand why my family might not like it to exist. So when the screening day happens, please bare with me.

More relevant info as it happens!!



May 2015 Update!!!
over 9 years ago – Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:45:12 PM

Hope Mother's Day went well for everyone. We went back to Ontario to film and surprise my Mom on Mother's Day and while everything seemed to line up for our scheme, it wasn't meant to be. We hoped this was going to be an integral part of the film but we've got more plans in the works that will capture the same essence but on a larger scale!

Also, we finished all our interviews too which included a "six months later" wrap up with some family members who've had a chance to reflect on how they felt at the start of this journey and how they feel now. Always interesting, of course.

So, now, we move forward with post-production and editing and the occasional event being caught on film.

As always, we'll keep you up to date as we aim to have this film finished and in your hands for Mother's Day 2016!


Much thanks to you!!!
over 9 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 05:14:53 AM


Sorry for the late update, but we're shooting more of the film, and it's all thanks to you!!! I've got limited Internet in Canada at the moment but I had to take the time to write all the wonderful backers that believed in this film. It's been an incredibly difficult film for me to make but rewarding in various ways too. Our campaign was only 30 days and seeing the impact of our journey on other lives has been amazing. We've always believed that what happened, and continues to happen, is very powerful, but to see other people take the courageous leap to look for family members is truly remarkable.

Thank you, everyone. I can't say it enough but will try and communicate updates as frequently as I can and as much as it makes sense. It's quite possible that smaller updates will appear on first, so please like our page there and bring your friends into the fold.

So, for now, thanks, go hug your parent(s), and never forget that it's never too late to go on an adventure.


over 9 years ago – Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 09:31:32 PM

Hey folks!

Ten days left on our campaign and still over the moon that we hit our funding goal. We've already hatched plans to continue shooting THIS MONTH thanks to your help and setting another tentative shoot for the summer that should culminate what we need to finish up.

PLEASE keep sharing the link, and telling EVERYONE about this film. We're looking at a number of non-traditional means to share this message and story with people and part of that includes this small army of passionate backers.

Once again, thank you for your support!
